As a Cedar City Utah professional family photographer I am SUCH a sucker for those candid, raw and real moments during family photos. I think a lot of times as photographers we stress over things needing to go 100% perfectly in order to get the perfect shot. The truth of the matter is that just isn't real life, so why should we portray our clients photos as if real life is perfect all the time?
Over the past few years I have found so much success in capturing every raw and real moment for what it truly is during my sessions. When little girl is upset, take a quiet moment to capture Mom calming and embracing her. When a pose doesn't work move onto the next because it is TOTALLY okay that it doesn't have to work every time! I also cannot stress the importance of getting to know your family before hand so you have a good idea of what poses to do first, what poses you know just won't work, and what poses to possibly avoid.
I know I say it so many times but I could not be more grateful to be a Cedar City, Utah family photographer. Photographing families in such a gorgeous and unique place is truly a dream come true.
I would love to work with you and your family! Reach out here and let's capture those memories you will cherish forever!
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