As a Cedar City, Utah family and portrait photographer I want to share with you my basic manual settings I use for shooting a family portrait session. Here is a small crash course of my preferred manual camera settings for FAMILY photos. 💕
Shutter Speed: 1/250+ I like to keep my shutter speed above this number. This allows me to capture those fast moving moments while keeping my photos crisp.
Aperture: 2.8-3.2 for family photos. The higher the number of aperture the more crisp your subject will be, the lower the number the more bokeh you will achieve.
ISO: 250 I rarely ever change my ISO during a family session because I am usually shooting when I can control the light. Sometimes at the end of my session I will increase my ISO if I don’t want my shutter speed getting too low.
Hopefully this helps those of you that are wanting to shoot more in manual mode.
I would love to work with you! Please contact me to book your family session or to book a photography mentor session with me. To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.

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